Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Defense Fund works
on global warming, conservation, pollution, oceans, and other issues.
Environmental Defense Fund operates in synergy with Environmental
Defense Action Fund, a lobbying organization. It is the combination
of the two we evaluate in assessing performance.
Leverage Factor (global warming; 2008)
We focus only on the global warming component of Environmental
Defense Fund's operations. This is the largest component of their
operations, and also the one that seems likely to have the biggest
potential effect. We consider the matter hypothetically.
US global warming contribution
5.5b tons CO2 equivalent/year
US leadership factor (by passing a bill other countries are likely to move further forward)
Chance of a global warming bill getting passed this year
Annual reduction in US CO2 equivalent as a result of passage
Role of environmental lobbying in passage
Fraction of environmental lobby made up by Environmental Defense Fund
See The Hill Lobby League No. 57 global warming.
Capitalization period of results
5 years
It is quite likely if the bill is not passed another will be within a fairly short time.
Combining these factors, effective reduction attributable to Environmental Defense Fund
12m-25m tons CO2 equivalent
Annual budget
~$100m (combined)
Proportion of program services budget devoted to climate change
$35m / $79m = 44% (from 2008 form 990)
Effective price of CO2 reduction
$1.8-3.6/ton CO2 equivalent
Comparison to Generic carbon credit purchase
Comparing this price to the Generic carbon credit purchase price of $14-28/ton, gives a leverage factor relative to that leverage factor, 13-25.
Leverage Factor
100 - 190